Saturday 2 June 2012

Rules and contact

Rules and contact    
First of all, if there's a free header in any post, you say that your going to use it, or don't comment and make your own. This is a blog for headers mainly, if I catch you using my headers on your blog or whatever, without telling me, you'll get in deep trouble, mate, infact I think you can get sued for stealing. 
I am also using Animes in most of mine, which I have found on another blog who is teaching people on how to make headers, backgrounds etc and gives out those animes for practices. I've been downloading a lot of epic brushes, while I was practicing making my headers. I'll once tell you how to make the headers on this blog, but making those headers does take a while.

If you want to order a header, then you can send me a mail about that on hotmail, my hotmail acc is, but I also take header orders from MovieStar Planet, cause I know that a lot of people there own blogs. You can send me a request on MovieStar Planet also, then. My name on it is Tinaa:* please send me a message with the order don't write it on my wall. By the way, they cost two autographs on MovieStar Planet. You know what to do for more information.

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